Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced further restrictions on places of worship. This is to help stem the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to these restrictions our Church building will be closed until further notice. All our regular Church services at The Potter’s House Darwin will be ONLINE ONLY. Children’s Sunday School teachers have set up a program to provide resources for all our Sunday school children.
(Adult Bible Hour every Sunday 9:30am, Sunday Services 10:30am & 6:00pm, Wednesday Service 7:30pm.)
We are not doing this based on fear or panic, but as a wise and reasonable response to align with governmental guidelines to help stem the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). While we can’t gather together personally, we can continue to worship and hear God’s word together online. Each service will be a regular full service, with singing, worship, praise, offering, preaching and altar call – just as usual. This is to provide you with continuity, and enable you to participate with us as you would in person. You can also invite friends and family to watch with you – knowing that unsaved people will still be challenged with the Gospel, and have an opportunity to respond.
You can join us online through our livestream YouTube channel here:
We ask that you understand that our commitments to outreach, domestic church planting, and international missions church planting will continue. Therefore, we ask you to remain faithful to the Lord in your financial giving.
We trust this will be for a short period of time and look forward to gathering as a congregation again. We will do our best to provide current information and support to our members.
If you have questions, feel free to send an email to